Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Grosi's 80th Surprise Party

I realize that I didn't feel in the gaps too well last time. Let me go back in time a little bit.

July was quite a busy month. The first big thing was Grosi's 80th birthday (my grandma). We threw her a surprise party and invited her most closest friends and family. It turned out to be great. She told me after that she thought something was up but couldn't think what it was. Not only that, but she couldn't sleep that night and was really tired the next day. She's cute!

I was in charge of decorating. I decided that I wanted to have a curtain, sort-of-like a theatre stage. So I went to the fabric store and bought some white fabric. I ended up draping 3 stips of the fabric up hiding the surprise party that awaited inside. It looked awesome!

We of course had a lot of good food! Can't have a party without that. We decided to rock out to some Swiss tunes, just to make it a little more authentic. Plus this party was for her, not us. Otherwise, I think that we would have had island music playing.

Grosi had a lot of friends and family that showed up. It was a fun party and more fun planning it and keeping it a secret from her. Machs gute Grosi!

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