Monday, September 1, 2008

Ikea rocks!

So I went to Ikea Saturday afternoon and bought some much needed shelves for my room. I've been running out of space and so I needed something a little larger to cover my needs. Of course Ikea always come through for those desperate decorating times. For those of you who have never seen my room before, just know that the 2 big, dark shelving units are new, and my bed was in there place. Oh and I got this really cool reading lamp as well. It's really really bright! Great for those late night reads!!!

1 comment:

Kattelman Krew said...

I want shelves!!! seriously, I've been going through this "book phase", where I'm obsessed with building up a library of books??? weird huh... Stephanie said she had the same impulse a while ago... So now I need somewhere to put all of the cool books I've got...

oh yeah, congrats on the Temple clearance....that's cool that Bishop approached you about it.